Sunday 22 November 2015

Here's to a new start.

Finishing Year 12 was a great accomplishment. Dealing with those people who like to label themselves your 'friends' was a horrible experience. As high school drew to an end, people finally demonstrated their true selves. Mainly what pisses me off the most is just a few that actually had the guts to compare themselves to you and put you down for no reason in the exam period. Guys we aren't 12 year olds please be more considerate. I am specifically speaking to one person. I wished nothing but the best to them but they just treat me like a punching bag. Rachel will not be a punching bag to anyone ever again ( YES I SPOKE IN THIRD PERSON). I'm sick of feeling weak and looked down on, even if i have to dig threw flesh and bones i am going to prove i am worth something. Mark my words i will not let anyone make me feel like that again.
High school is over, you group of so called friends can go call a cab and go to hell.

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